Thursday, October 3, 2013

Space Engineers

Imagine playing a game like Minecraft, except in space. You get the materials and build your own space ship, you fly it around, build a mothership to house other ships of yours, and begin to crash it into other players ships. All out warfare. Totally anarchy. Death and destruction. It seems the proverbial deity is watching over us and that makes me very excited.

This game is still in the alpha from what the developers are saying, but come October 23rd, 2013, Steam Users will be able to purchase early access in helping test out this game. I think it is time to get excited.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Oh my glob! this is amazing!

if any of you have had the dream to make your own game this might just be the answer! 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Old School Survival Horror - Get Ready to Lose Your Mind

So for the fans of the the 2010 horror game, Amnesia: The Dark Descent, would be pleased to know that the spiritual successor Amnesia: Machine for Pigs, is due to release within the next month or two according to developers.

Now what does this mean for normal players like you and me?  Not a whole lot, unless you are like myself, who enjoys playing scary games [and regretting every moment whilst playing the game]. This also means a ton of scare cam reaction shots are bound to make their way to youtube. Which means annoying personalities like Pewdiepie will be posting a million reaction videos but that does mean that normal cams of people playing this will surface.

-this one here is a classic-

For those unfamiliar with this game series, let me provide you a quick background. The first game follows a man named Daniel, who is experiencing memory loss [hence, the amnesia] and lost inside of a Russian manor. Notes are scattered around the mansion/castle that give insight of who you were and why you have no memory of past events. During this time you are pursued by a darkness [which is pretty much like it sounds, but deadly] and some monsters that hunt you if you stray in the light. Its a game that emphasizes risks and hiding in the shadows, and hopefully, when this sequel debuts in a few weeks, it will bring back old school horror in the most terrifying way possible.

Amnesia: Machine for Pigs arrives this summer 2013

Thursday, July 18, 2013

um firefly fans get ready!

from my knowledge it sounds like just a mobile based game but still lets hope its good ! 

Link to news right below

borderlands easter egg time

i know borderlands 2 is out but if you haven't seen the fist games Easter eggs you should do them yourself :)

and now for some educational learning.